
Do i have the most current version of firefox
Do i have the most current version of firefox

do i have the most current version of firefox

  • Post the contents of JRT.txt into your next message.
  • On completion, a log (JRT.txt) is saved to your desktop and will automatically open.
  • Please be patient as this can take a while to complete depending on your system's specifications.
  • The tool will open and start scanning your system.
  • do i have the most current version of firefox

    If you are using Windows Vista, 7, or 8 instead of double-clicking, right-mouse click JRT.exe and select "Run as Administrator". Shut down your protection software now to avoid potential conflicts.Please download Junkware Removal Tool to your desktop. A copy of all logfiles are saved in the C:\AdwCleaner folder which was created when running the tool.Copy and paste the contents of that logfile in your next reply.If you see an entry you want to keep, let me know about it. Unless you see a program name that you know should not be removed, don't worry about it. The contents of the log file may be confusing.After the scan has finished, click on the Logfile button.a logfile ( AdwCleaner.txt) will open in Notepad for review (where the largest value of # represents the most recent report).AdwCleaner will begin.be patient as the scan may take some time to complete.


    The tool will start to update the database, please wait a bit.Vista/ Windows 7/8 users right-click and select Run As Administrator

    do i have the most current version of firefox

    Double click on AdwCleaner.exe to run the tool.Please download AdwCleaner by Xplode and save to your Desktop. Did you happen to remove any of the information from the "Hosts content:" portion of the log? Or was it all blank? If you didn't remove it please run the tool again and post the new log if it now shows information under "Hosts content:" Please run these two tools and post the results of the logs in your next reply.

    Do i have the most current version of firefox